Wiener schnitzel

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  • Austria

    Original recipe


      For: 4 people

      4 Seitan steaks
    • 200g Gluten flour
    • 100g Manitoba flour
    • 250/300g Water
    • Vegetable borth
    • Tomato paste
    • 2 spoons EVO
    • 130g Water
    • 85g Chickpea flour
    • 50g Type 00 flour
    • 100g Breadcrumbs
    • Vegan butter/margarine
    • 1 Lemon


      For seitan stakes
    • 1 spoon Soy sauce
    • Spices and herbes of your choice and salt
    • Tumeric
    • Paprika
    • Salt and pepper


    How to make the seitan steaks:

    Prepare some vegetable broth, I use one vegetable broth cube and half a mushroom broth cube, but you can make the broth from scratch and add the ingredients that you like!

    Mix the two flours and the spices of your choice and salt, then add oil and soy sauce.

    Melt half a mushroom broth cube and some tomato paste in warm water and add it to the flour while mixing, you could need a bit more water, or if the dough is too wet you can add flour.

    Divide the dough into four balls (or more, depending how big you want your steaks) and flatten them with your hands (covered in flour) until they are at your desired thickness.

    Let them simmer in the broth you prepared for 25 minutes.

    How to make the Wiener schnitzel:

    Mix the tumeric, chickpea flour and water.

    Prepare three plates, one with flour, one with the chickpea flour mixture, and one with breadcrumbs mixed with salt and paprika. You can modify the deses according taste.

    Dry the seitan and season both sides with salt and pepper, the pass it in the three plates (flour, then the chickpea four mixture, the breadcrumbs) covering it well.

    Melt the butter in the pan and fry on both sides until golden and crispy!

    Dry with a kitchen roll to remove the excess oil, sprinkle with salt, and serve with a lemon.